
Gareth Walters, a Healthcare Partner for WPA (and Chamber Board member) shone a spotlight on a brief history of the NHS and the private insurance sector to a packed house during December’s 1st Wednesday networking.

He gave an insight into his own personal career journey into the medical insurance sector and the satisfaction of working with a service that can literally be lifesaving.

Here’s a reminder of some of the information presented:
  • The NHS has 1.5 million staff making it Europe’s largest employer
  • Around 10 million people have private medical insurance and/or heath cash plans
  • 78% of people insured are in company paid schemes, 22% in personal plans
  • Some 515 private hospitals with 28,000 consultants and specialists treat 1m patients annually
Impact of Covid-19
  • In March 2020 all private hospitals were requisitioned by the NHS
  • In November 2020 all were open again for private patients with regional variances in working hours capacity between 25-100%
Sickness and absence from work: the employee/employer experience
  • Average sick days per employee per year = 5.6 days
  • Cost to the UK economy is £77bn
  • The most common causes of short-term absences form work are minor illnesses and muscular skeletal injuries
  • The most common causes of long-term absences form work are mental health including clinical depression and anxiety
  • Providing medical insurance for employees improves morale and engagement and reduces absence from work.

WPA can offer insurance protection to individuals, families and businesses. You can reach Gareth as follows:

Gareth Walters Cert CII
Healthcare Partner
Director of Stanhope Medical Ltd
Appointed Representative of WPA Healthcare Practice Plc
T: 01892 546619 M: 07766 710664
E: gareth.walters@wpa-hcp.org.uk  W: wpa.org.uk/garethwalters