On Wednesday last week, along with 5 other Chamber members, I enjoyed a very useful and informative Pure B2B Mastermind session which Nigel Whittaker had kindly organised as an exclusive Sevenoaks Chamber event. We were a collection of six very different businesses who met to discuss particular business issues and offer up solutions to those issues from our own experience. Each business had the opportunity to ask a question, clarify that question and ask for feedback and observations from the other participants. Questions ranged from:
- As a new business in the area how can we get better known in the local market?
- We’re thinking of diversifying into a slightly different area, do you think there will be buyers?
- My clients tend to take a long time thinking about a purchase, how can I move things along and close a deal more quickly?
- Do you understand what my business does?
Often working in a small business and being busy doing the day to day means that it’s sometimes difficult to see the bigger picture and can also be lonely with no-one to mull things over with. This was a great opportunity to do that in a “safe environment” and to gain some useful insights from people with a whole variety of different industry and professional experiences.
Nigel runs over 100 Mastermind sessions a year across Kent in various locations as well as others in Croydon and is due to start in Cambridge too. They are always over lunch or dinner in some good restaurants, so what’s not to love about that! I’ve heard them described before as similar to a Boardroom environment and a useful forum for thinking about the bigger issues in your business. It’s not networking but obviously a great way of demonstrating your expertise and building good relationships with those you meet on a monthly (or more regular) basis.
Please get in touch with Nigel at [email protected] for more information and to book a place on a mastermind coming up and do take a look at his website for details of all the events he runs and what others say about them.
Kirsteen Allen, Ten2Two