My business, joined the chamber in September of last year. I’ve been involved with a number of networking businesses in the past and was always bombarded with members immediately trying to sell to me. Not the way to do it!
Sevenoaks Chamber of Commerce is different. In my experience there is no hard sell from members. This is a good thing.
You should offer value, answer questions and give free advice. This will build relationships, and sometimes those relationships turn into revenue. Ensure you add value for the love of imparting knowledge and helping others…NOT in the hope that you will get work.
Marketing, and all networking is marketing, simply doesn’t work like that anymore.
I met this member of the Chamber a number of months ago and we discussed their business. I offered free advice on what they should do in order to sell more. We had a meeting at their office and I put together a Statement Of Work with recommendations of what they should do in order to reach their short-term and long-term objectives.
We met, I ran them through it. We discussed the costs. And within 48 hours we were working together. This is the power of being authentic, transparent and adding value before a business joins your client list.
This client is an utter joy to work with and I’m looking forward to helping them elevate their business within Sevenoaks. I have not mentioned their name for the purposes of their privacy.
Keep coming to the Sevenoaks Chamber Meetings. Keep talking. Keep offering advice. Be authentic.
If you’d like some free advice on standing out so you sell more, contact me.
Or come and talk to me at a Sevenoaks Chamber Networking event. Networking works.
By Mip Phillips
Be Different. Do Different. Sell More.
07515 446 490