
Every time you read the news, it seems that cyber security gets a mention as yet another high-profile organization has its passwords compromised or its data held to ransom. As you peruse the local updates on NextDoor or Facebook, how many warnings do you see about dodgy emails from HMRC and texts offering Covid vaccinations?

As a responsible business owner, you take measures to block phishing emails and protect your systems from the hackers, but how can you reassure your customers that it is safe to communicate with you?

Fortunately for you, you can certify that your company takes cyber security seriously. It is called Cyber Essentials. This is not the exclusive domain of information technology companies and is available to all businesses.

What is Cyber Essentials?

It’s a government-backed scheme which gives a framework for a level of security that a business should have. Here’s the government information about the scheme from the National Cyber Security Centre.

Areas covered include:

  • Making sure operating systems and applications are up to date.
  • Good password management.
  • Devices are protected from malware attacks.

How do you qualify?

At its basic level, Cyber Essentials is a self-assessment questionnaire. You can work through this process by yourself, or you can call upon Computer Troubleshooters to guide you.

If you would like to subject your organization to continuous assessment rather than just being confident of complying at a given point in time, we can advise on apps which can check for vulnerabilities every 15 minutes and present the information to you on a dashboard.

It’s time to show you are serious

We have recently renewed our Cyber Essentials certification and can proudly display the blue and green tick.  By making sure that a business meets the Cyber Essentials standard, it is said that over 90% of digital threats can be mitigated.

Call Computer Troubleshooters on 01732 300064 or drop us a line at [email protected] if you are ready to take action against cyber crime.