
Lockdown has certainly been an interesting time. Who would have thought that there would have been a rush on people ordering hair dye and fake tan! We at EASi have been delighted that they were as it has meant we have been able to keep a few of our temporary workers working during this time packing up orders.

We have been keeping in touch with all our candidates whether they are looking for temporary work or permanent work letting them know we will be ready to help them when life start to return to a new norm. We have found clients are getting there slowly and now just waiting on the hospitality news as to how that can get the rest of the economy moving.

If there is anything we can assist with at EASi Recruitment please do get in touch and we will be happy to help. Be it a temp to help you out in the interim period, or you are wanting to recruit a new member of staff at some stage or if you sadly have to make any of your own staff redundant we can assist with CV’s and other advice. We are happy to help.

Normally based from the high street to register people but with social distancing in mind we are doing this remotely which has been working very well.

Stay safe and well, we are so close to being out the other side.

Best wishes



Liz Scully
EASi Recruitment Limited