
Stakeholder Workshop at the Floodlit Bar at the Stag Theatre, London Road – Tuesday 23rd April from 4 – 7pm

In May of last year following a public referendum the Sevenoaks Town Neighbourhood Plan was adopted and has now become part of the statutory development plan for Sevenoaks. The Neighbourhood Plan sets out a future vision for the town and includes a number of objectives and policies to deliver the vision. 

The Town Council is now moving forward with the next steps to delivering this vision and has commissioned the preparation of a masterplan for Sevenoaks town centre and a separate masterplan for the St. John’s Hill area. These masterplans will provide spatial visions for these important parts of the town and progress some of the objectives and policies in the Neighbourhood Plan. This will include for instance preparation of design guidance for particular sites, consideration of the opportunities to improve the pedestrian environment and reduce the impact of traffic in the centre, and the potential to better link or enhance cultural attractions and to introduce more green infrastructure (for instance street trees, planting, and rain gardens) and enhance biodiversity in the centre.

The masterplans will be prepared collaboratively with the input of many people and organisations that care about and have an interest in Sevenoaks. To start the process on the Sevenoaks Town Centre masterplan we would like to invite you to a Stakeholder Workshop at the Floodlit Bar at the Stag Theatre, London Road on Tuesday 23rd April. The workshop will run from 4pm until 7 pm.

We have appointed masterplanners Urban Initiatives Studio to prepare the masterplan and they will facilitate the workshop with support from transport and public realm experts, Urban Movement. They will outline the purpose, scope, and timescales for preparing the masterplan and how you can get involved and shape its content.

Following a brief introduction our consultants will lead, weather permitting, a ‘Placecheck exercise’ in the town centre to explore what works well and what works less well. We will then hold round table discussions to agree the future vision for the town and the issues and opportunities that the masterplan should seek to address.

We would also like to invite you to a similar event for the St John’s Hill Masterplan. This will take place at Sevenoaks Town Council offices on Tuesday 30th April 2024, 4 p.m. until 7 p.m.

Please RSVP to Georgie Elliston, Planning@sevenoakstown.gov.uk