
Podcasts have been on the rise in the last few years and are great for people to get some bitesize in-depth information on a topic or issue while they are out and about in their busy lives. What also makes them great is that anyone can do a podcast if you have a smartphone or recording device you are pretty much away.

However, like every form of communication & media there is an art to it, anyone can record a podcast but not everyone can do a podcast well. I had not done a podcast before now, though had listened to them extensively over the last few years and enjoyed doing so. Yet, doing one yourself can be quite nerve racking. I am sure like me, you do not like the sound of your own voice and having to listen back to yourself is not always a pleasant experience.

In recording a podcast, it is good to have someone you can bounce off on, someone who can make you feel relaxed. You need someone to be there in order to keep things in check, remove the umm’s and the arrr’s, along with ensuring that the podcast does not ramble but keeps the answers tight and to the point.

So, this is where The Speaking Mentor comes in and I cannot thank Chris Murphy enough for helping us as a firm but, also me in recording our podcast series. Chris was amazing in helping me and my team feel completely relaxed and just treat the recording as normal chat between us. He reassured us that we could redo areas and parts which we were not happy with and overall kept us to a good time too, so we were not too long with our answers.

I would like to thank Chris at The Speaking Mentor for everything he has done, and I would recommend him to anyone who is looking to improving their speaking going forward.

Chris Murphy
The Speaking Mentor
07985 916638

Please see my online course dates HERE and read more about me HERE

Please check out our podcast series on Chamber Chats where we go into various topics about financial planning.

Alexander Stennings
Mortgage & Protection Advisor
Vintage Financial Planning
01732 471070