Would you like a private viewing of one (or both) of Kent’s most exclusive medical facilities?
KIMS Hospital is the largest independent private hospital in Kent. It also owns Sevenoaks Medical Centre which offers access to outpatient services such as consultations and diagnostics. See here for more information: kims.org.uk
At both facilities, patients benefit from fast and convenient appointments with expert consultants and access to a range of outpatient healthcare facilities including MRI, CT and X-Ray, physical therapy, Private GP services and more.
Despite its proximity to London, the Sevenoaks Medical Centre prides itself on its competitive KENT pricing.
Focussed on comfort and customer care, KIMS Hospital and Sevenoaks Medical Centre’s MRI scanners are both wide bore, which means there is more room for patients than other MRI machines and helps with feelings of claustrophobia.
For their quality and proximity to you, both KIMS Hospital and Sevenoaks Medical Centre’s facilities are well worth getting to know in more detail. KIMs are offering a number of dates for exclusive private tours with limited numbers:
Sevenoaks Medical Centre KIMS Hospital (Maidstone)
30 mins + refreshments 1 hour + refreshments
29th July: 10am 20th July: 10am
5th August: 10am 10th August: 2.30pm
12th August: 10am and 2pm 19th August: 10am
Here’s the good housekeeping: Each tour is limited to 4 people. You must provide evidence of a recent negative COVID test, taken not more than 72 hours before your tour date. Facemasks must be worn and social distancing respected. Free parking is available at both sites. Both facilities are working environments so we must respect patients’ dignity and privacy.
If you are interested in taking a tour of either facility please contact Dan Lock [email protected]
Places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis and more dates can be arranged if none of the above work for you.