
I would like to introduce myself to you: I am the Careers Coordinator at Walthamstow Hall. We strive to provide our students with empowering experiences to help them succeed in the future. In preparing students for the world of work we would like to partner with local businesses to inspire, motivate and inform students of the local possibilities available to them. We hope that by collaborating with the local business community, we can raise our students’ awareness of the range of careers available to them.

We are holding a Careers Evening for students in Years 9 – 13 (aged 14 to 18) and their parents on Wednesday, 20 January 2021 from 7pm to 9:30pm. We are looking for 30 enthusiastic speakers from a wide variety of careers and professions to give talks about their particular area of work and would like to draw on local business expertise by inviting you to participate.

The evening aims to inspire the next generation of young women to lead challenging and fulfilling lives and to introduce them to a range of careers and professions by hearing first-hand from people currently within these roles.

The format for the evening will allow students to choose three different talks to attend. Each session will last 30 minutes (including time for questions) followed by a short rest for the speaker while students and parents change over. Speakers may be asked to give their talks three times during the course of the evening depending on the number of students wishing to attend.

Miss Ferro, Headmistress, and other members of the Senior Management Group will host a light buffet supper for speakers from 6pm, which will also allow speakers to network.

If you are willing to help with this event, please complete this electronic form outlining the career area you would talk about and your experience in your field by 15 July 2020. Alternatively, please email me at LHayes@whall.school if you would like to find out more about our Careers Evening and what is involved.

Yours sincerely




Mrs L Hayes
Careers Coordinator