
The Stock Market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient – Warren Buffet

What is happening?

In the wake of Monday morning’s mass movement in global markets, once again today, prices have plummeted in response to the further announcement of Coronavirus-related news. Investors have reacted dramatically to President Trump’s announcement that all travel
from Europe (excluding the UK) to the US will be suspended for 30 days. This major intervention is in response to the World Health Organisation officially declaring the Coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic yesterday. The FTSE 100 has dropped 9% today at the
time of writing as panic-induced mass-selling continues to push markets to new lows. Now more than ever it is imperative that investors avoid making decisions motivated by fear. As we emphasised on Monday, the importance of staying invested cannot be overstated, even
as markets continue to plunge.


Short-Term Noise, Long-Term Investing – 12.03.2020