
The South East Property Expo is back for 2019! Taking place at The Hop Farm on the 17th October 2019. Stands are selling fast but we have space for over 50 exhibitors and early bird discounts are avaiable until TOMORROW  


The South East Property Expo is Kent, Sussex and Surrey’s preeminent property show and because it is organised as not-for-profit getting involved requires little investment. 

Bringing together home buyers & sellers, developers, investors and landlords with trusted suppliers and advisors, the Expo aims to provide help and assistance to those with an interest in all things property.

Because the South East Property Expo is a not-for-profit event we have kept the cost of partnering with us to the minimum.

  • Shell scheme stand
  • Equal sponsorship billing
  • Equal promotion through all channels
  • Information within the glossy show guide
  • An opportunity to host a seminar on the day
  • An invitation to any VIP networking events

All exhibitors will receive the same package, get equal billing on the day.

South East Property Expo is organised and administrated by Thackray Williams Solicitors, the regions leading property experts.

Book Early: We are strictly limiting the places available for certain trades and professions in order to keep balance to the day and also ensure that our exhibitors get maximum benefit.

Further details of the event can be found at sepropertyexpo.co.uk