Have you given up something for Lent?
Even if you are not a churchgoer, this can be a good period of time to forego a pleasure, however essential it may seem – chocolate, cakes, alcohol, coffee!
Lent is the annual season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter in the Christian religion. There are 40 days of fasting between Ash Wednesday and Easter; you are allowed Sundays off for good behaviour. The idea behind this festival is that it replicates Jesus’s withdrawal into the desert, during which time he was tempted by Satan to turn stones into bread to break his fast. The name Lent is said to come from the old English for “lengthen”.
I’d suggest, however, that there’s one thing that your business should *NOT* sacrifice for Lent – IT support! Here’s a comment from a connection on LinkedIn in response to my pancake day post: I am not a fan of pancakes but I am of having IT support. Our business is heavily tech-reliant and having support on hand at all times gives me piece of mind.
From simple but effective password management, Microsoft 365 emails and VOIP telephone systems through to comprehensive IT support with fully inclusive monitoring, protection and updating – Computer Troubleshooters is bound to have something to tempt you this Lent!
And if you are feeling tempted by the offers in a dodgy email, you need a cyber security solution too! From spam filtering through to more complex cyber security measures, Computer Troubleshooters has got you covered and will save you from temptation!
Call Computer Troubleshooters on 01732 300064.