
A couple of weeks ago we published our six top tips for leading during the pandemic which we hope has helped you to think about the way in which you communicate with your team, go about decision making and prepare for the changes that the coming weeks and months will throw at us.

After feedback on the article, we put together a leadership survey to bring together all the thoughts, tips and advice from business leaders across the UK and Ireland. Part of the reason for doing so is because we are all in this together. As a leader, we want you to know that you
are not facing these challenges alone.

The survey has received a great response, with more than 75 business leaders from across the UK and Ireland sharing their advice, thoughts and challenges with us.

In this paper we explore the results of the survey to share how business leaders are feeling during the pandemic and what the future might look like.

We hope that you can gain some useful insights and ideas from the data, please know that we are here to help you in any way we can.

READ FULL REPORT:  insight6 Leaders Report

Best wishes,
Mark Perkins
E: mark.perkins@insight6.com
T: 07545 045037