When you think of new movie releases, you are most probably looking for novelty and not the same old boring formulaic blockbusters which are only attractive because of their stunning special effects. You may make an exception, however, for those familiar tropes which are so evocative. We will all feel short-changed if the new James Bond film doesn’t include the franchise catchphrases such as “shaken, not stirred” and we wait with bated breath for those immortal words which open the plot of Mission Impossible: Your mission, should you choose to accept it…..
Do you ever need to send a message that is so sensitive that you would like to set it to self-destruct, just as you have witnessed on the Silver Screen?
Well, now you can! We have the technology to make an email message self-destruct after a selected time period. Granted, you will not experience the pyrotechnics and catchy signature tune seen on Mission Impossible, but it is just as effective in preserving your privacy.
This handy email add-in also lets you encrypt messages, transfer large files securely and sign important documents electronically. We are already finding it useful for sending passwords to our customers – emails are just too hackable.
Your company does not need to be a service plan customer of Computer Troubleshooters, nor even one of our Microsoft 365 users, to avail yourself of this software. Just get in touch and we can send you an encrypted email to show you how it works.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to contact Computer Troubleshooters on 01732 300064 and ask about email encryption.
Not at all impossible – I’m sure you’ll agree!