Help the police help Sevenoaks

Help the police help Sevenoaks

ONLINE SURVEY Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) – The Vine, Sevenoaks – Closes 24 Sep 2023 OVERVIEW Sevenoaks District Council and the Police understands well how anti-social behaviour can affect our communities, with residents often feeling powerless...
Automation in accounting: data driven decisions

Automation in accounting: data driven decisions

Hayley Kingsnorth To grow a business, business leaders need to understand where they are now, have the ability to review their business and use that information and reliable data to plot their plans for growth. Growth can only be measured by having robust data to help...
How to use technology to grow your business

How to use technology to grow your business

Technology is faster, cheaper and easier to implement than ever before and ambitious businesses should be constantly looking at how it can help them power ahead. Fraser Campbell, UK Head of Accounts & Business Advisory Services, discusses how technology can power...